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Calls in Calling Ninja are created from within a Company. A Company in it's simplest form can be described as a container that holds, most importantly, your Twilio Credentials. Furthermore it stores your client's phone numbers, your call history and data related to your broadcasts and permits you to invite other Calling Ninja users to create calls from your Company. Don't worry if you don't actually have a formal company, you can think of a Company as a name for your team, your personal name, project,...

You can either be the owner of a company or be invited to the company of someone else. In the next steps we will show you how to create a Company. At the end of this guide you will find further links related to Companies.

Creating a Company

  1. Make sure you have your Twilio Credentials at hand. If you don't have them yet, visit our documentation on obtaining them: twilio credentials
  2. Log in to your Calling Ninja account.
  3. Right after logging in, you see your Dashboard or My Companies
  4. Click on the Button labeled Create New Company in the upper right corner
  5. Fill out the required information. Make sure to copy in your Twilio Account SID and Twilio Auth Token
  6. Click on "Save"
  7. Done